phocks a simple blog

Hauling Anchor

Taking another look at Anchor the internet audio podcast app thing whatever it is.

I remember having the idea a long time ago what if there was a service like Twitter but for audio? Anyway I started even doing a little SoundCloud account where I would record little updates on my phone and upload them.

I don’t think anyone really ever listened to my inanities though, but it was kind of fun anyway. Anyway, then I heard that an app called Anchor FM had launched and it was pretty much exactly the same concept. It was actually pretty well made and had great onloading etc. But the problem was I think that no one really knew what to do with it. I tried staying on the platform doing updates whenever I could but then time crept by and I mostly forgot about it. A familiar story.

Just the other day though Anchor relaunched with version 2.0. The first thing I noticed was all my old updates were gone. But don’t worry they are safely in the archive. Looks like they have taken a page from SnapChat’s book (like a lot of companies seem to be doing lately).

This new update has enormous potential. Basically you record updates and add songs from Spotify etc and they stay up on your station for 24 hours. This way you are almost forced to create new content every day to keep your station fresh. Best just to jump right to it. Check out my station below, or sign up and create your own.

Happy waving.

Website Swagger

Showcases are pretty dumb tbh. But I’ve decided to start making one anyway. It’s pretty much the same thing as my other site QuoteSwagga. It’s hosted on Tumblr and uses a custom hacked html template.

Still working on it obviously and I want to try to get people to submit their own sites and have them come up as showcased websites.

Anyway here it is: SiteSwagga if you wanna chech it out.

How to host your Twitter archive for free

You’ve been able to download your full Twitter archive for a few years now. This is great if you want to search locally through all your tweets. But what if you want to share your archive with the world?

Luckily Github Pages offers free hosting for static web pages. Here’s how to quickly set this up. For now I’ll be using the desktop version of GitHub but I might add in the commandline process at a later date.

Firstly you’ll need a GitHub account so create one if you don’t have one or log in and then create a new repository called tweets or something like that.

Open the GitHub desktop client on your computer and clone the tweets repository (using the little + sign in the top left) to wherever you like.

Now unzip your Twitter archive into the repository folder. Then you can commit the changes by adding a brief summary and clicking “commit to master”. Then hit “Publish” or “Sync” up the top right. Wait a little while because this may take a few minutes to upload.

Next go to your GitHub account in your web browser and navigate to your tweets repository. Then click “Settings” and scroll down to the “GitHub Pages” section. Select “master branch” from the dropdown box and hit “Save”.

That should be it. It may take up to 5 minutes for your site to be live but after that you should be good to go.

Anyway here’s my Twitter archive to check out how it should look in the end.

Failing Fast, Failing Slow

Last week I tweeted this after hitting send on an email to my cofounder explaining that it might be best if we call it a day.

It has long been a mantra in the tech community apparently and for some reason it came to me mind and urged me to act. Sometimes things just don’t go as planned. Events happen in the course of history and you can no longer let things linger. The more things you try the better chance something will stick.

So here I am now again waiting for inspiration. I see a vision of a certain future. But it is hazy. Here’s a Twitter poll I just ran.

So it looks like I will take it slow for now, keep my head down and take small steps towards that hazy future. But once it comes into vision that’s it. I’ll drop everything and run with it. This is it.

Hello Again

Okay that may have been a little hasty, and I’m sorry. I was temped by by some kind of Ghost who may have possessed me or something.

While Ghost as a blogging platform seemed quite good I think that I would rather just stick with this GitHub hosted flat file blog for now instead of messing around with hosting my own Node.js server locally and having to look after and monitor that.

Here are the few posts that I did on my Ghost blog anyway captured here for posterity.

Ghosting Away

It was never meant to end up this way. I’ll write more later…

Okay it’s later now and I’m saying goodbye to my old blog over at Github Pages. Goodbye! Goodbye Jekyll. I’ll miss your Markdown preprocessing flat file ways. I never really used you too much anyway. And for that I’m sorry. I hope you don’t feel too neglected.

So here we are. Ghost. We are running on this dingy old laptop that I’ve converted into a server. Maybe I’ll host you someplace better in the future. But for now this is home. It will do.

Whatever. I’m done for now. I’ll write another post tomorrow or something.

See ya.

Who am I?

I am you. No wait. That’s not right. I’m just this guy you know. A few things have happened since my very first blog. I even repurposed it for Medium not long ago, for some strange reason.

There have been a various number of reboots. But nothing like this. Nothing solid. Is anything ever solid? This is very precarious.

Oh and who could forget Tumblr? We call it a blogging platform. But it’s not really about writing is it? Maybe this isn’t either. Maybe everything is self expression gone mad.

You can find me migrating away from blogs right about when Twitter started taking hold. Before that I was glued to StumbleUpon. I’ve written poems. I’ve done some songs. And I’ve taken a few pictures.

I’ve even been known to make friends from time to time.

You’ll find me elsewhere too. Everywhere.

No Stagnation Allowed

Most times it never gets going. Not this time. Perhaps. Been away on tour with the Raptor boys and gals. A dreaded demon was just elected in the US.

We were in the air as it happened. It took me by surprise to say the least. The world is a different place. There are monsters here.

Do I still want to visit next year? We will stick to the blue states perhaps.

Melbourne went well. Sydney even better. I think I’ve got an interstate cold coming on, as expected.

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